Wedding Ceremony Music Samples
Selections are excerpts from live performances
Amazing Grace John Newton
Panis Angelicus Cesar Franck
610 918-6117 or
Air on G string J.S. Bach
What a Friend We Have in Jesus Joseph Scriven
Day by Day Oscar Ahnfeldt
These selections are actual live performances given over the past four and a half years at Proclamation Presbyterian Church. Our performances occur every first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) generally in front of four to five hundred people. This is not your typical commercial demo made in the studio with imported musicians which may actually misrepresent the authentic sound of Amoroso Strings. "What you hear is what you get".
Selection of musical pieces for pre-ceremony, ceremony and post-ceremony are very important. Mr. Amoroso Sr. will be available to guide you through the process and, with your input, decide what music would be appropriate for the occasion.